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  • Posted 3 weeks ago
  • Category : Tender

Tender Overview

  • Published On: Posted 3 weeks ago
  • Category: Tender
  • Application Due: 26th September 2024 at 2:00pm.

Organisation Location

Who we are

Population Services International (PSI) is a non-profit social marketing organization with programs in over 60 countries making it easier for all people to lead healthier lives and plan the families they desire. The organization invites eligible companies to bid for provision of the above-mentioned service.

Tender details

Funded by US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and implemented by PSI, the PMI Dhibiti (Control) Malaria project supports the Government of Tanzania (GOT) to reduce the burden of malaria and move towards malaria elimination. PMI Dhibiti (Control) Malaria provides technical and implementation support for malaria case management through quality improvement initiatives and malaria surveillance. PMI Dhibiti (Control) Malaria interventions aim at contributing to four result areas: (1) Improved case management and malaria in pregnancy (MIP) services; (2) Improved ability of individuals to practice positive healthy behaviors; (3) Enhanced enabling environment; and (4) Improved entomological monitoring.

Improved malaria surveillance in Zanzibar is one of the sub-result areas of result area 3 that involves strengthening the surveillance system through the maintenance of the current surveillance and response system (Coconut), under the Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Program (ZAMEP), and migrating the Coconut malaria surveillance business process into the Ministry of Health Zanzibar electronic integrated disease surveillance and response (MOHZ-eIDSR) system.

PMI Dhibiti (Control) Malaria facilitated scoping and feasibility of the malaria surveillance systems that involved system review, together with interviews at various levels of user operations which revealed a need for improving the existing system both in terms of user requirements and in matching to the current need of improved surveillance system matching an elimination programme. The review noted that the existing Coconut malaria surveillance system built in a PouchDB software cannot be sustained longer due to (a) limited scalability thus the inability of the browser to handle large amount of data and (b) lack of documentation on the custom software and maintenance, deeming it irreparable in the event it crashes under current circumstances with limited technical capacity (and over time, as Android software updates based on security patches, will render it unusable and/or more prone to crashing).

PMI Dhibiti (Control) Malaria will therefore support ZAMEP to upgrade their system to a DHIS2- based system and building in other malaria surveillance and response intervention modules such as active case detection, reactive drug administration, entomological investigations, indoor residual spraying (IRS), mass drug administration (MDA), reactive focal mass drug administration (rfMDA), social behavior change (SBC) activities, and any other response activities as directed by ZAMEP.


Deadline for submission of tenders will be on 26th September 2024 at 2:00pm. This will be followed by a tender opening at 2:15 pm on the same day. Tenderers are invited to witness the opening of the tenders.